At first, the dynamic development was slowed down by the war turmoil. Then the nationalisation of private assets, the collapse of the political transformation of 1989 and the uncertainty of tomorrow. Wild growth of capitalism is often the last chapter in the history of many factory buildings.
Not every factory was lucky enough to be in the hands of a gracious host. Fortune smiled at the Ramisch Factory, which gained a second life thanks to the efforts of property management specialists from OPG Property Professionals.
But let’s go back to the beginning. The spinning and weaving factory of Franciszek Ramisch was created gradually, starting from 1889. Since 1879, Ramisch operated a hand weaving plant making cotton products and employed 8 workers who produced approx. 10,000 handkerchiefs.
By 1889, the factory already had a steam engine and 64 power looms, and it employed 70 workers. In 1897, it employed 227 workers, and by 1905 the workforce numbered 452.
The machines, primarily the looms, were destroyed during World War I. In 1924, a joint stock company was formed – “Franciszek Ramisch” Cotton Products Factory, employing approx. 1000 workers. The number of employees dropped by half in 1935. Further growth of the company was halted by the outbreak of World War II.
Following nationalization, the site was home to the Łódź Cotton Weaving Factory and then to Gen. Walter’s Cotton Industry Plant.
Starting from 1999, the factory buildings have been used by various companies. Towards the end of 2011, OPG Property Professionals, owner of the land at Piotrkowska 138/140, initiated the OFF Piotrkowska Center project.
Results? First spot in the ranking of the “7 New Wonders of Poland” competition organized by the National Geographic Traveler magazine in 2014. This successful streak continues, as evidenced by the opinion of CNN television, which proclaimed OFF Piotrkowska Center “the coolest district in all of Europe” around the end of 2018.
Franciszek Ramisch buys the plot at Piotrkowska 140 and erects the first factory buildings – a weaving plant powered by a steam engine (25 HP). Initially, the factory employs approx. 120 workers.
The factory owner purchases an entire strip of land between Piotrkowska Street and Dzika Street (currently known as Sienkiewicza Street) and adds a 4-storey spinning plant. By 1931, a total of 42s will be on the factory grounds.
The company was transformed into a family-owned joint stock company known as the Franciszek Ramisch Cotton Products Factory in Łódź. During that time, the factory already employed approx. 1000 workers.
After World War II, the factory nationalized as “Plant B” of Gen. Walter’s Cotton Spinning Plant is shut down for good. Asian bars and small-time merchants appear.
The deteriorating real estate is taken over by OPG Property Professionals, and the OFF Piotrkowska Center project is launched. The Ramisch factory becomes home to young, creative people.
First spot in the ranking of the “7 New Wonders of Poland”, organized by National Geographic Traveler. It is an award for “unconventional, magical spaces, newly created and enjoying their second life”.
The construction of Teal Office, a new Class A office building and revitalisation works at Sepia Office, the former factory warehouse and treasury begin.
OFF incorporates new technologies and makes space for IT specialists and start-ups. Teal Office and Sepia Office are created, and the area is watched over by a steeple covered with the restored spire.
First prize in the Society of Polish Town Planners’ awards for OFF Piotrkowska Center, in recognition of creating a cultural centre for artistic and pro-community initiatives, as well as establishing a public space oriented at creative industries.